Friday, April 06, 2007

Four UK Soldiers Killed in Iraq

Once again we receive the sad news of further military deaths in Iraq. However, despite the sympathy one has for friends and families of the victims, it is hard not to notice that little mention is made of the Kuwaiti civilian translator who was also killed in the attack. This characterises much of the reporting in the Western Media, which consistently raises much hue and cry over British deaths, but glosses over the daily massacre of Iraqi officials, as well as countless civilians.

Two women were among four British soldiers killed by a roadside bomb near Basra, southern Iraq, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.
A fifth soldier was also "very seriously injured".

Tony Blair said it was too soon to link the attack to Iran, but he accused the country of "financing, arming and supporting terrorism in Iraq". And he contrasted the soldiers' deaths with the safe return of the 15 British sailors and marines held captive in Iran.

The British army's spokesman in Iraq said there has been a "steady increase" in the number of attacks on UK troops. This latest incident brings the total number of UK troops killed in operations in Iraq to 140.

To see the full article please click on the title

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