Saturday, December 02, 2006

Electoral chaos

المفوضية العليا المستقلة للإنتخابات في العراق
كـۆميسونى باڵاى سه ربه خۆى هه ڵبژارد نه كان له عێراق

The Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI)

The Iraqi electoral system is now in total dissaray - as the following IECI note (the latest in a catalogue of disasters) reveals:


International Electoral Assistance Team (IEAT) Situation Report No. 71
27 November 2006

General/Legal Activity

 The Council of Representatives (CoR) made no progress in discussing the draft law of the IHEC. Deputy Speaker Attiya received different options on the relation of the federal and regional electoral authorities from the research department of the CoR. Several Kurdish lawmakers indicated in the media that the issue would be solved in the upcoming weeks. However, the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq is likely to have an impact in the agenda of the CoR.

 The IECI Board of Commissioners mandate lapsed on 10 November.

 The Iraqi Public integrity Commission requested that the IECI Board investigate Ali Abdul Illah, IECI Chief of Operations (CoO), on accusations regarding engineering voting results, misuse of funds, and other wrongdoings during the voter registration period. The accusation was put forward by his former deputy. On 23 November the Board conducted an investigation which exonerated the CoO of responsibility, but at the request of the Chief Electoral Officer the investigation was re-opened to allow non-IECI parties to participate.

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