Tuesday, March 20, 2007

No Elections

Jamie Crowley of The Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) reports zero progress on elections in Iraq - particularly no referendum on Kirkuk - no local elections - nothing. Get a flavour of it from his latest note on electoral commissioners dated today (20 March):

The process of appointment of commissioners has not yet been initiated. The Council of Representatives (CoR) has not initiated the process of appointing either the nominating committee, nor its composition or rules of procedure, although 20 of the 60 days timeline have passed. All political groups consulted have indicated that the 60 days deadline will be observed and will not be extended. However, there are strong indications that the process of nominations will be conducted behind closed doors by political groups. It is unlikely that any progress will be made in the upcoming days as the CoR will be on recess until March 27 due to Naurus (Persian New Year Festivity).

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