Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama saviour of the World?

NCF member Khalid Issa Taha shares a few thoughts with us:

Iraq will be one of the most pressing problems facing the newly elected President and the signs that Obama can devise and then implement policies that will gain the respect and co-operation of moderate Iraqis, like me, are not good. Any President attempting to build a relationship with Iraq that is not based on an assumption of American superiority will face serious opposition in many quarters.

Since the 2003 invasion America has squandered billions of dollars in an attempt to impose their version of reality on Iraq. 4,400 US soldiers have been killed and tens of thousands more injured. The project has failed on most fronts but this very failure has made it even more imperative for the American government to salvage something from the wreckage.

Obama has stated that he wishes to withdraw US troops from Iraq but he will have to proceed carefully with this policy to avoid alienating large sections of the American electorate. He needs to demilitarize America’s relationship with Iraq whilst reassuring his domestic audience that this move is not actually an admission that every single American action over the past five years has been both wrong and futile.

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